Why You Should Invest in an Electric Dab Rig Why You Should Invest in an Electric Dab Rig

Why You Should Invest in an Electric Dab Rig

Jul 23, 2021by April Pride

From knife hits to the classic rig and torch to the all-in-one electronic smart rigs, there’s no shortage of ways to consume cannabis concentrates. Where ritual meets innovation, we talk with Elise McRoberts, CMO of Doc Greens, for tips on everything from the temperature to the technology of your next dab session.

After listening to this episode, you will have a better understanding of…

The different options for setting up your concentrate set-up, including proper accessories
The classic torch and rig compared to modernized smart rigs.
How to choose a glass, quartz banger
Best practices for your next dab session, including minimizing the mess