Upgrades to your Cannabis Weed Stash Upgrades to your Cannabis Weed Stash

Upgrades to your Cannabis Weed Stash

The best ways to store weed

The term STASH has a range of definitions, but they mostly agree on the secret nature of storing your supply of something. In this case, the something is definitely weed – but the secrecy is now optional and the opportunities to store your and care for your supply are abundant.

Looking to upgrade your stash? We’ve got you covered with some best practices and products sure to enhance your high.

Beyond Ziplocs

Keeping your stash hidden has been a borderline artform for decades, but with the changing times we find the focus turn more towards functionality, freshness and style. So forget the film canisters and put away the sandwich baggies, and introduce yourself to the proper way to store your stash.Newsflash: Storing your weed in a plastic bag does not provide the UV protection or airtight conditions your flower would prefer. The more you ignore this notion, the more the freshness and potency of your weed will degrade. You’re doing your stash a big favor by at least getting it into some glass – with Mason jars being a fine option that many of us already have around the house. Companies such as ReStash take it a couple steps further and repurpose these jars with a silicone covering and a childproof lid – keeping the light and the kids out.
If you’re looking to upgrade to the top of the weed storage game, then humidors such as Cannador offer gorgeous functionality and aesthetics. Everything with these products is proper. From the glass jars to the wood box (that of course locks) to the humidity control – your stash will be celebrating if it lives in one of these.

Try Something New

Many consumers of cannabis find themselves locked into quite the groove when it comes to their favorite way to get high. But the hash heads, bong loyalists and joint lovers can certainly agree that there is no shortage of options when it comes to cannabis and the consumption methods to choose from. Nowadays the main categories are divided into flower, concentrates, topicals and edibles, and can be consumed via smoking (pipes, bongs, joints, chillums, etc), vaporizing (cartridges, rigs, smart rigs, etc) ingesting (gummies, sodas, tinctures, capsules, etc) or applying topically to the skin. Options continue to evolve into more exotic territories, so picking up something new – whether a new product or piece – can be a fun way to spice up your existing weed routine.

Stock Up for a Friend Sesh

It’s worth noting that your stash isn’t all about you – it is about those you share it with. Just because you prefer taking dabs, doesn’t mean you can’t have a pre-roll or two around for your joint smoking pal when they come over. Don’t be afraid to stock up and branch out, there’s always going to be a new high to try.

Upgrade Your Stash

AccessoriesHere’s where the little things – an empty lighter, a clogged bowl piece, red eyes – can leave you with a bit of a buzzkill. But when these details are given some attention, they can elevate the experience and create more of a ritual around getting high.Consider a small lighter stock up, including refillable ones such as Clippers, that even come with a built-in poker. If you’re looking to further purify your next session, check out hemp wick as a way to keep from inhaling anything undesirable from your lighter while ripping a bowl. Stoner multi-tools can be quite handy if you’re looking for more of a MacGyver vibe, and you can also buy scoopers, dabbers and pokers of all kinds and qualities individually – including very high-end options sure to class up your stash. A paperclip will work in a pinch, but there’s no good reason why your weed tools can’t be gold.Extra bowl pieces are always good to have around for a quick swap out, whether you’re avoiding cleaning it or perhaps just dropped it. Downstems, too, especially if you’re prone to clumsiness. But for real, at minimum: Keep a paperclip handy and some Visine on hand. We’re trying to get high here and don’t need any BS.

Invest in Cleaning Supplies

It’s confusing as to why this has ever been considered optional. We get it, it can be quite gross – that’s why it needs to be cleaned. But the more you leave it – whether it’s a bong, pipe or other resin-coated instrument – the nastier it gets. And if you’re smoking something especially terpy, you’re denying yourself an exquisite opportunity to actually taste it.

Cleaning your piece was never meant to be negotiable and there are plenty of options for getting the job done. These include cleaners like Grunge Off, Randy’s and Formula 420, but we can’t help but be fans of the classic isopropyl alcohol, salt, and some strong shaking.

“All those store-bought brand cleaners are bullshit,” said Lauren Yoshiko of Broccoli Magazine. “I fully believe the technique is all about putting that salt a bunch and a bunch of alcohol and then basically ‘shake-weight’ the shit out of that bong with your paper towel in both ends.”

We highly recommend you explore a cleaning regimen that works for your budget and keeps whatever you’re smoking out of presentable. 99% isopropyl alcohol is ideal, but anything in 90s will get the job done. Don’t forget the salt! And if for some reason you just can’t find the time to clean you bong, you must at minimum change the water.

Getting high is one of life’s great pleasures. And when it’s done with fine cannabis that’s been stored properly, consumed out of a clean piece and with proper tools handy, the experience is that much more divine. The term stash is evolving and we need not hide our highness, but rather, should explore the many options to enhance it.